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Jose Brooks
Jose Brooks

Scissor Seven ##TOP##

His first mission as an assassin was to cut Li Sanjin's hair during her wedding ceremony and ruin it. He accidentally cut the husband's hair too and caused a ruckus that resulted in him being chased by an angry mob. After this first job, he met a Stan robot who attacked him once it recognized the token he kept on himself (an accessory with the character "seven" embroidered). According to the robot, anyone who wears that token is an enemy of Stan. The robot is about to reveal Seven's mysterious past when a female assassin decapitates it. She reveals herself to be Thirteen, ranked 37 on the killer list. Thirteen then threatens Seven and asks him why he has the token of the Killer League on him. Fortunately for Seven, they were interrupted by the robot's self-destruct feature.

Scissor Seven

At the beginning of episode 8, he is hired by an overweight woman to assassinate her husband if he brings another woman. Seven tries to confront his target, but was stopped by the impervious bodyguard He Dachun, who points a gun at Seven, this makes Seven hesitant as Dachun tells him to fight like a man. He accepts and takes off his shirt to show how jacked he is to Seven's dismay. He tries to fight him in hand-to-hand combat as the narwhal ate his scissors and when he knows he can't win, he tries a sneak attack on his target to try and kill them where Dachun prevents him from killing his target using the Solid as Gold Seven-Day Lock.

Seven doubts that he would stay for seven days and tries to get him off, to no success, then a montage shows Sevens day to day life on working him the shop, fighting Thirteen and just accepts that he isn't going to get off. On the fourth day of Dachun technique the two sit on the ocean wooden pear, where he failed to kill his target and the Dachun asks Seven why he chose a profession as immoral as assassin and Seven tells him it was for money, He Dachun notes that Seven looked very poor, much to Seven's embarrassment. Dachun reveals he became a bodyguard as he wanted to protect people. Seven see something in the distance and Dachun takes a closer look and recalls that it looks like a missile coming to Chicken Island. They both run to the beach where he manages to force himself to release Seven in order to sacrifice his body as a shield to protect the inhabitants.

After this, Seven stand's in the of what is left of the pear where he comes face-to-face with the Prince of Stan was at first he throws his scissors where he turns his right hand into a sword and destroys his scissors, he asks if he was the one who stopped his missiles, Seven doesn't say anything to where the Prince of Stan uses' he faces recognition and was able to recognize Seven's past identity he shoots him with a blast out of fear where at the last second Xiao Fei was able to save him and take him to the boat where Dachun was out of commission, knowing that he couldn't fight anymore he hired Seven to kill the Prince of Stan and protect Chicken Island to were Daio Bo say's that they weren't gonna take that mission but Seven wants to protect Chicken Island, and Thirteen wants the bounty on the Prince's head since they are from opposing countries. However, the Prince's robot form is too strong and they are both pushed back. They come to each other's aid several times, until Seven is knocked unconscious.

After Seven's flashback of the girl he tried to protect in the past, his old self is awakened and believes Thirteen is the same girl. He hugs her and goes to defeat the Prince. Because of the complete flip in personality, Thirteen is too surprised to do anything but blush; however, she quickly regains her composure and relays the battle to her master who orders her to kill Seven and take his sword. In the end, Seven falls unconscious again, but Thirteen hesitates to take his life (since he saved her) and leaves with just his sword. She also orders a new pair of scissors for him since the old ones were destroyed in the fight.

Seven is able to use Qi and control a pair of scissors with his mind, but he requires certain hand motions to control them. He's also able to separate the scissors into two and put them back together with ease. It's his favorite weapon which he become a master of it, later in the series, it was known that the scissors may be less heavy if he puts Ki with it. During his battle with redtooth, after understand what the master of Xuanwu told him about his chi, seven was able to harness and focus his chi enough to turn his scissors into an energy saw blade.

(A signature move stolen from He Dachun) He jumps and holds his target and locking on them for seven(?) day's. Unlike He Dachun though he is not indestructible (as he lacks the art style) with his goal with the move is to immobilize his target to buy enough time to strike with his scissor, like he did in his battle with The Prince of Stan, although most of the time it would need to be the sneak attack as he lacks the speed, as seen with his battle against Captain Jack, and unlike Dachun variant of the move he can get out of this lock whenever he likes

The next time the two are seen together is in the Prince of Stan fight. Seven wants to protect Chicken Island, and Thirteen wants the bounty on the Prince's head since they are from opposing countries. However, the Prince's robot form is too strong and they are both pushed back. They come to each other's aid several times, until Seven is knocked unconscious. After Seven's flashback of the girl he tried to protect in the past, his old self is awakened and believes Thirteen is the same girl. He hugs her and goes to defeat the Prince. Because of the complete flip in personality, Thirteen is too surprised to do anything but blush; however, she quickly regains her composure and relays the battle to her master who orders her to kill Seven and take his sword. In the end, Seven falls unconscious again, but Thirteen hesitates to take his life (since he saved her) and leaves with just his sword. She also orders a new pair of scissors for him since the old ones were destroyed in the fight. In episode 2 of the 2nd season, Thirteen goes to take Seven's life as promised to her master. As usual, Seven is his slippery self and ends up getting chased across Chicken Island. Thirteen and Seven make a deal that if he falls to the ground in 3 more attacks, he must leave Chicken Island forever (as she does not want to have to kill him). Seven proposes that if he wins, Thirteen has to go to the beach with him. As Thirteen is about to attack again, Seven notices an assassin in a nearby tree (Plum blossom Eleven) and tries to protect Thirteen. This results in the two of them slow dancing as he deflects assassin throwing knives with her hair blade. Once again, Thirteen is caught off guard by Seven's sudden seriousness and is seen blushing. Back to normal and emotionless, she leaves without taking his life and gives him the list of assassination targets on the island, if he wishes to protect them. He thanks her for the new pair of scissors wondering what he should wear to the beach.

Seven is the titular main character of Scissor Seven. Originally the owner of a beef offal stand outside a high school, Seven opted to become a hired killer after being encouraged to do so by his friend Dai Bo. As a cover for his true identity, he became the senior hairstylist at Dai Bo J Hair Salon, allowing him to simultaneously maintain his cover and practice his use of his main weapon of choice: a pair of scissors.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery (Of scissors and swords), Enhanced Senses (Was stated to have senses as keen as a wild beast's[1]), Transformation (With the Gaiba Egg[2]), Limited Telekinesis (Seven can telekinetically control his weapons in battle[2]), Chi Manipulation[3], Healing and Flight (With Xiao Fei[4]), Underwater Breathing (Can breathe underwater when disguised as a fish[5]), Fourth Wall Awareness, Power Mimicry (Copied Dachun's Solid as Gold Seven-Day Lock[4]), Forcefield Creation (Can create a barrier with the Thousand Demon Daggers[6]), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Resisted a poison that should have corrupted his psyche and killed him[6])

  • Yep, one of ''those'' series.This series provides examples of: Animation Evolution: While the animation of the show is already phenomenal with how smooth and dynamic it is, season 2 and onward amps this up by making the animation more consistent (season 1 had them kind of move like scribbles when it wasn't in between fights) and having more choreography in fights. This is due to the bigger budget of the later seasons. The animation is now like if Kill la Kill met Mob Psycho 100 and did a Fusion Dance!

  • Art Shift: While preferring a fluid simple art style, the animators change style a lot, especially during more serious moments. The OP is literally just this trope. Season 2 goes even further, having moments of simple animation that contrast heavily with the highly detailed action. During more comedic fights, there are moments where the animation switches to something resembling Street Fighter II

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Justified through the liberal application of super-science and chi, but still!

  • Action Girl: Thirteen is a prime example, being a skilled assassin.

  • Amnesiac Hero: Seven himself. In the rare moments he actually stops to think, it's a source of some comedic angst as he has no history of his own.

  • Bifurcated Weapon: Seven can split his scissors in two for multi-pronged attacks. Taken up to 11 with the Thousand Demon Daggers, which is nothing but hundreds of blade fragments held in place by force of will.

  • Bullet Catch: Thirteen's father is shown doing this in the first OVA. Parodied. Seven makes it look like he caught a bullet between the blades of his scissors when an assassin attempts to shoot him with a hidden gun. In actually the bullet hit Seven's own hidden projectile weapon, having failed to fire first. He simply put it between his scissors before the guy realized what happened.

  • Cat/Dog Dichotomy: Zig-zagged. At first the enmity between Meow and Mad Bark appears to be this, but their relationship is ultimately revealed to be more complicated than that.

  • Cerebus Syndrome: The series takes itself more and more seriously as time goes on... which is almost impressive with a series this wacky. In particular, the first two O.V.A. are among the darkest episodes of the show. Notability this also happens by the end of most episodes, as the emotional context behind most of Seven's "assassinations" become clear.

  • City of Adventure: Chicken Island.

  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Seven is a terrible hitman, but his memories of being an unstoppable assassin resurface whenever he's in mortal danger. It should be noted he's only bad at killing people but when it comes to protecting people he becomes incredibly badass.

  • Criminal Amnesiac: Zigg-zagged with Seven. While Dai Bo is using him as a cut-rate cutthroat, neither of them are villains or even particularly bad people most of the time. Furthermore, it's all but stated that Seven was an assassin even before losing his memories.

  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Played for Laughs: Dai Bo himself mentioned he could have made millions off his invention instead of giving them to a klutz like Seven. Except it's implied he tinkered with scavenged S.T.A.N. tech. And possibly mixed it with Chi magic. Neither faction takes patent infringement well.

  • Enforced Technology Levels: The nation of Xuanwu is a self-inflicted example - they reject modern technology out of a belief that doing so will make them stronger martial artists. This naturally makes them mortal enemies of S.T.A.N.

  • Flying Weapon: Seven can telekinetically control his scissors, as well as his katana when his memories return. Blue Phoenix is also capable of this.

  • Funny Animal: Many characters, including Mad Dog, Xiao Miao, and Dai Bo.

  • Gag Haircut: Seven's victims, and we're not talking about his assassination targets! SMT Hairtsyling Art and Design in season 2 specialise in a trendy version of this.

  • Heir Club for Men: Thirteen's father was a powerful swordsman that had thirteen daughters, and refused to pass down his swordsmanship to any of them, believing women could never reach the peak of martial arts. Growing bitter, he eventually had an affair that finally allowed him to conceive a boy.

  • Hulking Out: Dai Bo's King of Chickens form. He eventually learns to transform at will.

  • If You're So Evil, Eat This Kitten!: Parodied - to prove his "merciless" mettle, Seven tries to kill a cat (which scratches him), a fish (which slaps him and flops away), and an earthworm (He misses and cuts his finger instead.) Dai Bo gives him the certification anyway.

  • Improbable Weapon User: Seven and his scissors, and also Thirteen, who has a spearhead braided into her hair which she uses like a manriki-kusari.

  • Interspecies Romance: Episode 2 has one between a Dog and a Cat, though this ends up being played for drama as Meow wants kids but a Dog and Cat cannot breed.

  • Iron Butt Monkey: Seven's main asset is not his telekinetic control of scissors, nor the transformation orbs, but his sheer ability to take absurd amounts of punishment.

  • Laser-Guided Amnesia Zig-Zagged: While Seven seems like the typical "no-memories-but-know-how-to-fight" amnesiac, the fact he becomes so much more competent whenever he briefly remembers his past implies his skills have either been severely retarded by his amnesia, or that he's had to redevelop them from scratch.

  • Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club: Dai Bo and Seven run their assassination business out of a hair salon. Played for laughs in that Seven will reveal his "cover" to anyone who so much as asks, even when in character as an assassin.

  • Littlest Cancer Patient: Cola is one of those, but much more cheerful than a normal example of this trope.

  • Low Culture, High Tech: S.T.A.N. is basically a feudal empire run by Mad Scientists. When they want something, one of their princes tries to claim it with robot armies and power armor, with little regard for collateral damage beyond a "run or die" warning.

  • The Magic Versus Technology War: The two superpowers seeking to dominate the world are an entire country of Arrogant Kung Fu Guys with Ki Manipulation versus an entire country of Feudal Future Mad Scientists, with regular civilians caught in the crossfire.

  • Mind over Matter: Seven can control his scissors with the power of his chi alone.

  • Moral Guardians: The Island Decency Union, who are willing to kill for sake of propriety.

  • Mundane Utility: Parodied. Yes, Seven can use his assassin skills to cut hair... to the point that they wish they were assassinated instead!

  • Murder by Mistake: Downplayed. Seven's first mission is to cut the hair of a bride on her wedding day... but he gets distracted and ends up cutting the groom's hair first.

  • Murder, Inc.: The Killers League, the most powerful of group of assassins in Xuanwu. Seven was once a member of their ranks, as is Thirteen's master Blue Phoenix.

  • Never Mess with Granny: One of Seven's targets is a manipulative Grandmother who proceeds to put him through the ringer, followed by a disturbing dominatrix whipping. The head of the Island Decency Union, Chairman Jiang, also counts, able to beat seven in a straight fight and deflect a tech-powers Kamehame Hadoken while being a prudish middle-aged lady.

  • Non-Human Sidekick: Dai Bo, being Seven's employer, trainer, and a chicken. Xiao Fei as well, being a chicken/pigeon hybrid capable of flight who assists Seven in escape from hairy situations.

  • The Paralyzer: Cola has the ability to freeze any member of the opposite sex as long as she's touching them.

  • The Power of Rock: Mad Bark's fighting style.

  • Shout-Out: In Episode 5, Phoenix Wright from the Ace Attorney games can be seen in a crowd of people.

  • In Episode 8, He Dachun's badge number 9527, in his introduction, is a reference to Stephen Chow's Flirting Scholar.

  • In Season 2 Episode 3, the first minute has multiple: the beggar character is an obvious reference to a similar charcter in Kung Fu Hustle down to the five secret martial arts books he tries to use to pay for the haircut; Seven briefly imitates Kenshiro, complete with catchphrase, one of the five secret martial arts books, the second from the right, is for the Kamehameha.

  • Season 3 Episode 7 has SpongeBob SquarePants-style time cards.

  • Shear Menace: Downplayed Seven's choice of weapon is in fact a pair of scissors... a standard-size pair of scissors, even if they are absurdly sharp.

  • Suicide by Assassin: Cola, one of Seven's clients, hired Seven to kill her because she has cancer and would rather die a flashy death people will talk about rather than in a hospital bed.

  • Took A Level In Bad Ass: Seven obviously starts to gain more experience during season 2 and 3 to the point he's able to fight even while poisoned during Season 3's finale.

  • Virgin Power: He Dachun, whose technique is called the Indestructible Virgin.

  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: The Gai-Ba Eggs, which allow Seven to shape-shift into anything he can imagine. Da Bao: But you won't gain their abilities or actually become these things so don't be gross ok?

  • World of Badass: The notable characters who aren't major bad-asses can be counted on one hand.

  • Trouser Space: Seven tends to keep most of his gear in his shorts - including his scissors. A bold move to be sure.

  • Zettai Ryouiki: Plum Blossom Eleven.



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