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Charles Seleznev
Charles Seleznev

Download T38 Rar

I am fairly new at this. Sometimes when I download an aircraft and extract it into the aircraft-folder it still doesnt show up in the "new flight" when chosing a plane for flying!. am I doing something wrong here?

Download t38 rar

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needed some help, i also have downloaded 3 aircraft from payware. i have unzipped the files, placed then into the extra aircraft folder and they dont show up in the main menu on x-plane. i have made sure i dont have x=plane installed in two locations. i even reinstalled x-plane, in hopes of starting over with no luck. all the planes are compatible with my version.i just feel that x-plane isnt reading the files or need a way for the list to update. not sure where to go from here

I'm guessing you have downloaded an aircraft for a much earlier version of XPlane. I had this exact issue last night. I downloaded an aircraft without first checking the version, and installed it into 11.26(r2). Turns out, the aircraft was for v9. Even with "Show aircraft from old versions" selected, aircraft did not show in list. I had to first save it into the Xplane 10 aircraft folder, then load it up in PlaneMaker from (XPlane 10) and save it. Then I moved the folder to Xplane 11's aircraft folder, once again opened the acf with the PlaneMaker (this time from XP11) and save again, and then it finally showed up in the list. I'm guessing this is the issue you are experiencing.If you need to install XPlane 10 in order to do this, the XP10 demo version will work, as it ships with it's own version of PlaneMaker.

i previously had a twin otter downloaded, unzipped placed in the extra aircraft file, this worked perfectly fine. i then tried to get two more planes the same way with no luck. i then uninstalled z plane and re installed it, thinking this could help. no change, and now i cant even get the twin otter back in to show in the menu while in x-plane. i tried a new livery and nothing as well. its like x-plane wont read the files.

So I have been trying to download the Finnair A350 for a long time now and I just don't get it shown in x-plane. I have been putting it to the extra aircraft folder and the Laminar Research folder but it just doesn't show up. Are there any mistakes I made? It's btw a RAR file if that helps. Also I have no idea how to get the plugins shown... So I am right now really desperate because I have watched like a million of tutorials on youtube. I have seen people placing their aircrafts to the Laminar Research folder and the Extra Aircraft folder so I really need some advice about downloading aircrafts.

I'm also having problems with downloaded aircraft not showing up in the sim. I purchased the ASDG Super Cub and the North American B25 Mitchell and extracted the files to the x plane aircraft folder just like I have with previous aircraft. I am including my log file and also screenshots to help. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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